Education of Slow Learner
Education of Slow Learner by Sultan Muhammad Khan TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Objectives 3. To identify the causes of slow 4. Learning Illness that cause slow learning 5. Identification of slow leaner in the class 6. Evaluation 7. Language development Problem 8. Reading problem 9. Teaching Spelling 10. Teaching writing 11. Social education 12. References Introduction Slow learners are those pupils who have limited ability due to different reason in the education process. Slow learner is advance word for “backward” or “mentally retarded” and “Educationally subnormal” (E.S.N.) There are different reasons for slow learning, some time it is due to their mental ability, some time it due to their background, illiterate parents, culture problems, avoiding by the parents in early child hood, between ages 2 to 6 years. Some time it due to mental illness. These are different causes of the slow learner. The purpose of this assignment is to determine the problems of th...