
Showing posts from March, 2010


METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION by Amin Marwat INTRODUCTION The instruments that are employed to collect new facts or to explore new fields are called tools. It is of vital importance to select suitable instruments and tools. Different tools are used to collect different types of data. The use of a particular research tool depends upon the type of research proposal. The researcher may use one or more of the tools in combination for this purpose. Such tools or methods of data collection include tests, interviews, questionnaire, observation etc. SIGNIFICANCE The progress of any educational program very much depends upon well conduction research. It postulates sufficient, reliable and valid facts. Such facts are normally obtained through a systematic procedure which involves various devices. Each research tool is appropriate in a given situation to accomplish a specific purpose. These tools should be used together or in combination as they supplement the work of each other. Jhon W. Best (1992,...

Review of Education Policy 2009

Critical Analysis (Review) of National Education Policy Draft 2009 Regarding Primary Level by Ateeq Education is a dynamic phenomenon that’s why there is always need  to review, and revisit the course of actions and the methodology to  excel in the field by nations. Let us see what does the words Policy and Draft mean? and does the current education policy draft meet the needs of the day and for the years yet to come with specific focus at primary level ? while analyzing the draft we would strive to find the positives and the negatives of the document. And critically analyze the document. Before going in to details of the draft, let us be acquainted with the  terms, Policy and Draft. So that we are in better position to see what are we going to see. Policy means a definite course or method of action selected to guide and determine present and future decisions. Draft means to create the wording of a document. So we are here to analyze the draft of a document ...

Class Room Management

TIME, PUPIL AND SPACE MANAGEMENT IN CLASS ROOM by Iram afridi What is classroom management? • Classroom management is all of the things that a teacher does to organize students, space, time, and materials so that instruction in content and learning can take place (Wong, 1991). • These things include: making rules that have both rewards and consequences that are rationalized with the students, clear expectations, and routines for entering the class, passing out papers, using the restroom, and turning in homework. TIME MANAGEMENT Time is a unique and important resource. We cannot increase the time we have, nor can shorten it. It is up to you how to use and prioritize time each day. SETTING AND ACHIEVING GOALS Writing daily goals helps us organize and us time more efficiently. When goals are not written down, they often dissolve into a wish list which is soon shed like an old skin. The pressures of the day justify the lack of accomplishment and we simply forget to complete various tasks. ...