
Showing posts from November, 2011


 Plagiarism by Tauheeda Anjum Introduction: What's the origin of the word plagiarism? Plagiarism (from the Latin "plagiarius," meaning "a plunderer" or, an older term, "plagium," meaning "kidnapping," or possibly "plagiare," which is "to wound") is the practice of claiming or implying original authorship of (or incorporating material from) someone else written or creative work, in whole or in part, into one's own without adequate acknowledgement. (Wikipedia) Plagiarism is commonly define as “the unauthorized or unacknowledged appropriation of the words, graphic images, or ideas from another person” (Free encyclopedia Navigation) “Though shalt not steal, but paraphrasing is ok” (Exodus 20:15, King James Bible, Teacher’s Edition)  “The word began to be used in the English language sometime during the 1600s. While it originally meant to    literally kidnap someone, it gradually came to mean to pass off, in part of whole, ...

How to make IER vibrant

How to make IER vibrant and lively academic unit of                                                                 Peshawar University By Badeya Danish We are living in an age where nations are ranked into various categories namely developed, developing and under-developed on the basis of their standing in the field of education in common and science and technology in particular. This standing is a gauge of ability of nations in optimizing utilization of their natural, mineral and technical resources through highly educated and skilled people and simultaneously of their vision in estimating their national and international consumer present and future needs. Their technical h...