
Showing posts from April, 2012

Research Report Format

Research Report Writing Format for "Institute of Education and Research University of Peshawar KPK, Pakistan" Unit 1, Style, layout and page formatting Format: Font: Times new Roman 12 point Font for table can be sans-serif such as Arial but still in a size of 12 Line spacing: Doubled-space, including title, headings, quotations, references, figure captions and all text lines of the manuscript Margins: 1 inch margin at the top, bottom, right and 1.5 on the left of the page Alignment: Do not justify the right Margin (make the right margin even) for text use flush left Do not divide words at the end of a line (do not use hyphenation) Page line: 20 to 27 Page size: A4 80 gram (AA) Minimum and Maximum length of thesis/Report (M.Ed level) Masters Dissertation----Mini words-8,000 pages-32    Max words-10,000 pages-40 Master Thesis --------- Mini words-12,000 pages, 48.    Max. Words, 20,000, pages-80 Table showing the minim...

Issues Related Transfer of Teacher

The Transfer of Teachers without completing their Tenure. by JEHANGIR SHAH     Education is the basic need and right of all human beings. It plays a pivotal role in moulding a society to positive direction and putting it on the right track for development. In this connection the following sayings of the Holy Quran and Holy Prophet are the great consideration. “ Are those who knows and those who do not know are equal” “O! Lord advance me in my knowledge.” “Seek knowledge even if it be in China.” “Seek knowledge from cradle to grave. “Seeking of knowledge is the duty of every Muslim man and woman.”             For imparting quality education, not only the curriculum, teaching methodology and environment is necessary but skilled, honest and dedicated teachers are also playing a pivotal role. If the teacher is devoted he can create a real educational environment through his untiring efforts in the limited resources. ...